Freyer-Newman Center | Denver Botanic Gardens 2025

April 9, 2025

Tickets go on sale March 26 at 4PM 

About the tour: Learn the history of how this project materialized, the narrative and inspirations behind the design, and then tour the spectrum of spaces that create the center of Science, Art and Education: the Atrium, Classrooms, Galleries, Auditorium, Library, Herbarium, Offices and the connection to the historic Boettcher Memorial Center. During this tour, design and project architects Patrick Lee and Micah Holroyd of Davis Partnership Architects will discuss how the diverse building uses coalesce into a cohesively designed and functioning building. The design team will discuss the architectural history of the Gardens, how it influenced the building design, the sustainable features (LEED Gold), programmatic and design challenges and maintaining the design intent through the VE process. The session will also address biophilic design and architecture as the balance of poetry and pragmatism.

About the building: The Freyer–Newman Center, the capstone project of the Gardens’ Master Development Plan, blends and accelerates the important science, education and art of the institution. This 100,000 square foot building contains classrooms, library, herbaria, galleries, labs, auditorium, archives, offices and parking.

About the Tour guides: Micah Holroyd, AIA joined Davis in 2015, and considers himself a common-law native, having lived in Colorado since the mid-80s. He’s enjoyed watching downtown Denver transform over the years into the vibrant city it is now, and is grateful to have had opportunities to work on projects that help reinforce that urban core with highrise, mixed-use, and civic projects.

Patrick Lee, AIA, EDAC, LEED AP graduated with a bachelor’s degree in architecture from Virginia Tech during the recession of the early 1990’s. Jobs in architecture were scarce, so a thoughtful professor suggested he go to Germany and work for the professor’s friend. After spending seven years in Hamburg immersed in German perfectionism at Carsten Roth Architekt, Patrick moved to Denver to work with Faleide Architecture Studio. For ten years he developed a full range of architecture skills. When another recession gripped the profession, a fortunate joint venture between Faleide Studio and Davis Partnership provided Patrick with six months of project design interaction with DPA, and ultimately a position in the firm.

Accessibility: Most of the indoor and outdoor gardens and facilities, including restrooms and classrooms, are wheelchair accessible. For more information, please visit the Denver Botanic Gardens website.

Please note that DAF tours take place rain, snow or shine. If your tour includes an outdoor portion, please dress for the weather. DAF staff will contact all attendees directly should a tour be cancelled for any reason.