
To view the instructions for the DOD Access License process, click here.


Table of Contents (scroll or CTRL+F to search page)

  • Pages
  • Homepage
  • Posts
  • Events
  • Sites
  • Options
  • Content Modules
  • Calendar
  • Text Formatting
  • Image Sizes



Pages are used for the HomeAboutContact, etc. You can addupdate and delete pages – which you can read more about below.

Add a Page

  1. In the back-end of WordPress, hover over Pages in the left-hand column and click on Add New.
  2. Alternatively, you can click on Pages in the left-hand column, and then click the Add New button at the top of the page.
  3. Enter a Title and complete the Hero section. Select as many Content Modules (more info below) as necessary and click Publish in the top right.

Edit an Existing Page

  1. In the back-end of WordPress, click on Pages in the left-hand column, and then click the title of the Page you’d like to update.
  2. Update the Title and any additional Content.
  3. Click Update in the top right.

Delete an Existing Page

  1. In the back-end of WordPress click on Pages in the left-hand column, and then hover over the title of the Page you’d like to delete.
  2. Click on the Trash link that appears below the title.
  3. To undo a delete, click on the Trash link above the list of Pages, find the page you’d like to restore and click the Restore link.
  4. Alternatively, you can delete a page by viewing the edit page for the specific page, and click Move to Trash in the top right, next to the Update button.


The homepage has a different layout from the other pages. See the specific options below:

  1. Hero Type — select whether this is the ‘regular’ hero (slider images) or the DOD hero. Most of the year this will be set to ‘regular’, except during DOD.
    1. DOD
      1. DOD Icon — upload the DOD graphic
      2. DOD Presented — list the Presented by info
      3. DOD Buttons — add button text and links
      4. DOD Heading — enter a heading
      5. DOD Intro Copy — provide some intro content
    2. Regular
      1. Hero Slider — upload an image and add a headline and button text
      2. Buckets — enter a title, a link and upload an image
  2. Homepage Modules
    1. Related Content
    2. Header
    3. Sponsors — any sponsors that you add to the DOD page will automatically be pulled into this section when the DOD hero type is selected. You can use this module to add any other sponsors you’d like to display.


Posts are the blog posts or news items you’ll publish on the DAF site.

Add a Post

  1. In the back-end of WordPress, hover over Posts in the left-hand column and click on Add New.
  2. Alternatively, you can click on Posts in the left-hand column, and then click the Add New button at the top of the page.
  3. Enter a Title and content. 
  4. Click Publish in the top right.

Edit an Existing Post

  1. In the back-end of WordPress, click on Posts in the left hand column, and then click the title of the Post you’d like to update.
  2. Update the Title and any additional Content and click Update in the top right.

Delete an Existing Post

  1. In the back-end of WordPress, click on Posts in the left-hand column, and then hover over the title of the Post you’d like to delete.
  2. Click on the Trash link that appears below the title.
  3. To undo a delete, click on the Trash link above the list of Posts, find the post you’d like to restore and click the Restore link.
  4. Alternatively, you can delete a post by viewing the edit page for the specific post, and click Move to Trash in the top right, next to the Update button.

Post CTAs

On the blog/news pages, CTA items (which are created in the Options tab), will be randomly displayed on the page. More info about creating these is in the Options section.



Events are single pages that describe a certain event with a date and time.

Add an Event

  1. In the back-end of WordPress, hover over Events in the left-hand column and click on Add New.
  2. Alternatively, you can click on Events in the left-hand column, and then click the Add New button at the top of the page.
  3. Enter a Title, content, Dates and Content Modules.
    1. Content — enter your body copy for the event in the main WYSIWYG editor.
    2. Dates — Enter a Date and Time for each event. This information is used to populate the calendar as well as to display information about the event in the sidebar.
    3. Content Modules — add additional content modules when appropriate. Descriptions of each type of content module are provided below.
    4. Event Types — select an appropriate event site. This is used to help group content together.
    5. Events Sidebar
      1. Location Name – this is optional. You may want to specify a different location name than the name provided by Google maps
      2. Location – enter the Google map location
      3. Cost — enter a cost. Try to keep the formatting consistent ($15 v $15.00)
      4. CTA Button 
      5. Register Link 
    6. Featured Image — this is the image used on the page hero. See image specifications below for hero images.
  4. Click Publish in the top right.

Edit an Existing Event

  1. In the back-end of WordPress, click on Events in the left-hand column, and then click the title of the Event you’d like to update.
  2. Update the Title and any additional Content and click Update in the top right.

Delete an Existing Event

  1. In the back-end of WordPress, click on Events in the left-hand column, and then hover over the title of the Event you’d like to delete.
  2. Click on the Trash link that appears below the title.
  3. To undo a delete, click on the Trash link above the list of Events, find the event you’d like to restore and click the Restore link.
  4. Alternatively, you can delete an event by viewing the edit page for the specific event, and click Move to Trash in the top right, next to the Update button.


Sites are specifically for DOD related content. There are several specific details in this section, so please be sure to thoroughly read through this.

Add a Site

  1. In the back-end of WordPress, hover over Sites in the left-hand column and click on Add New.
  2. Alternatively, you can click on Sites in the left-hand column, and then click the Add New button at the top of the page.
  3. Enter a Title, content, Dates, Content Modules and Sidebar Info.
    1. Content — enter your body copy about this site in the main WYSIWYG editor.
      NOTE: Please make the first heading a ‘heading 2’. This collapses the body copy on mobile so it is more user friendly.
    2. Sites — complete the following info that is specific to the sites pages:
      1. Mobile Options — click which fields you would like to remain ‘open’ on mobile views. Since this section is quite dense, most of the content will be collapsed. We recommend keeping the Fast Facts section open.
      2. Accessibility — select all of the accessibility options related to each site
      3. Photo Gallery — add a photo gallery next to the Fast Facts section. Instructions are below.
      4. Google Map — Add a header and address for this site. It will automatically appear toward the bottom of the page near the footer.
      5. Related Content — select up to 3 related content types. If nothing is selected, 3 sites located in the same neighborhood will automatically be pulled into the page.
    3. Content Modules — add as many additional content modules as necessary. Descriptions of each type of content module are provided below.
    4. Sidebar
      1. Site Types – select the category for the site (such as Audio).
      2. Sites Sidebar
        1. DOD Event – select this checkbox if this is a DOD Event for the current year (can also be changed in the Sites list)
        2. DOD Headquarters – select this checkbox if this site is the headquarters. Only ONE site can be checked as the headquarters. All other sites are listed alphabetically.
        3. Saturday/Sunday – select whether this site is open Saturday and Sunday and, if so, what times it is open.
      3. Fast Facts – select information that appears under the Fast Facts section (architects, styles, year built, costs, etc).
    5. Featured Image – choose an image that will be used on the hero for this page.
  4. DOD Events – DOD Events can be designated by directly going into a site page and clicking the ‘DOD Event’ checkbox in the right-hand sidebar OR by selecting this DOD checkbox from the main Sites page (see screenshot below). Note: If using the Sites page, be sure the ‘Inline Edit’ is checked.
  5. Click Publish in the top right.

Edit an Existing Site

  1. In the back-end of WordPress, click on Sites in the left-hand column, and then click the title of the Event you’d like to update.
  2. Update the Title and any additional Content and click Update in the top right.

Delete an Existing Site

  1. In the back-end of WordPress, click on Sites in the left-hand column, and then hover over the title of the Site you’d like to delete.
  2. Click on the Trash link that appears below the title.
  3. To undo a delete, click on the Trash link above the list of Sites, find the site you’d like to restore and click the Restore link.
  4. Alternatively, you can delete a site by viewing the edit page for the specific site, and click Move to Trash in the top right, next to the Update button.


There are certain site-wide options available in the Options tab. In the back-end of WordPress, click on the Options tab in the left-hand sidebar.

  1. Social Media – enter urls for your Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Icons will automatically appear in the footer when these fields are filled in.
  2. Footer – Complete the appropriate fields for the newsletter and contact info
  3. DOD Info — Enter the DOD Start date and End date. This is important for the homepage calendar tabs.
  4. CTAs – CTAs are using on the post/news posts and are randomly displayed on these pages.
    1. CTA Type – select whether you want to create a dynamic CTA (with a background image, headline and button) or a static image with a link.
    2. Add CTA – click the Add CTA button to create another CTA.
  5. Google Analytics – Paste your Google Analytics tracking ID (including the script) to ensure analytics are enabled.

Content Modules

Content Modules provide flexible content sections within each of your pages and posts to allow you to add different functionality to your pages. To add a Content Module, click the “Add Content Module” button and select from the following:

  1. Accordion – this is ideal for sections such as an FAQ where there is a heading and a dropdown that displays further content.
  2. Audio — upload an audio file (NOTE: this may be altered)
  3. Bios – bios include a photo, name, title, copy and email
  4. Forms – forms are created in the Forms tab in the admin area using Gravity Forms. To insert a form into a page, click the Add Form button above the WYSIWYG editor. Select the correct form from the dropdown menu. You can generally deselect the checkboxes. Click the Insert Form button.
  5. Gallery – insert a photo gallery into your page using the WYSIWYG editor.
    1. Click the Add Media button
    2. When the media gallery appears, click the Create Gallery link in the left-hand column
    3. Select all of the photos you’d like in the gallery. Make sure images are the minimum dimensions listed at the bottom of this page. Click the Create a new gallery button at the bottom
    4. In the Edit Gallery screen, you have the option to re-order the images. Click the Insert gallery button.
  6. Header – insert a header above any of the listed content modules.
  7. Google Map — add a Google Map to any page by entering the appropriate address.
  8. Related Content 
    1. Related Content Type — choose multiple (3 related content blocks) or single (a single, full-width related content block). See screenshots below, which show the 2 different types.
    2. Related Type — select from Post (news), Event, Site, Neighborhood (for sites)
    3. Header
    4. Subhead
    5. Post Taxonomy — select the category for the related content. This is important for ensuring the ‘View All’ link goes to the correct link.
    6. Site Picker — select the post types to display. If nothing is selected for the multiple related content types, 3 related content types will be pulled in automatically based on the Site Taxonomy selected.
  9. Sponsors — group sponsors according to category
    1. Header — this is a large heading (such as DOD Sponsors)
    2. Subhead — sub-categorize sponsors using subheads (Civic, Supporting, etc)
    3. Sponsor Type — large, medium, small and text-only
    4. Click the Add Sponsor button
      1. Name — used ONLY if an image is not uploaded
      2. Url — enter the sponsor url
      3. Logo — upload the sponsor logo. When you add a logo, please be sure to complete the ‘Alt Text’ field in the media area. This helps us improve accessibility.

  10. Video — enter a video embed link from Youtube or Vimeo


The monthly calendar is displayed on the ‘Calendar’ page. It automatically pulls in your events. Only the first 5 events for each day will be displayed in the calendar day. The rest of the events for that day are displayed on the modal pop-up.

Text Formatting

IMPORTANT: when copying and pasting text from a previous source, please first paste this text into a plain-text editor, such as Notepad. Styles from another source may be copied over and interfere with the formatting.

In the WYSIWYG text editor, there are additional formatting options. These include:

  1. Formats – in the Formats dropdown menu, you’ll find a list of the following styles:
    1. Intro Text — this is a larger font size for introductory text.
  2. Buttons – highlight the text you’d like to turn into a button and Select the button color from the dropdown menu. When prompted, enter the url for the button.

Blue Button

Black Button

Image Sizes

There are specific images that will be cropped to a certain dimension to fit the design. If the uploaded image does not at least meet the cropped dimensions below, it may look pixelated. NOTE: The crop will only occur if the image size is LARGER than the dimensions listed below.

  • Hero (Homepage) — 1445 x 730px
  • Hero (Internal pages) — 1445 x 515px
  • CTA — 415 x 415px
  • Bio — 170 x 170px
  • Related Content – 385 x 230px
  • Image Gallery (Large Image) — 1410 x 680px (width is variable)
  • Image Gallery (Site Gallery) — 1017px x 508 (width is variable)
  • Site Footer Images — 225 x 145px
  • Sponsors:
    • Large: 215 x 145px
    • Medium: 170 x 115px
    • Small: 105 x 70px