Tour: Lumber Baron Inn & Gardens – June 6
June 6, 2018

We are touring Denver’s historic Lumber Baron Inn on Wednesday, June 6 from 4:30 to 6:00 PM. The evening includes a house historical overview and a tour of the mansion hosted by the Inn’s Owner & Operator, Joel Bryant. Following the tour, attendees will be treated to small bites and a cash wine bar in the Inn’s lovely and spacious garden.
About the site: “In 1890, John Mouat built the mansion for his wife Amelia and their five children. Nestled in the historic neighborhood of the Potter Highlands, which was created and settled by the Scottish in 1863, the home is now a charming Bed and Breakfast. It has five rooms, all with private baths and Jacuzzi tubs, and all of the rooms have updated modern showers. Each room has a unique wallpaper design on the ceiling created and installed by Bradbury and Bradbury, world renowned creators of fine wallpapers. Unlike many B&Bs, the rooms in this mansion are spacious and very comfortable. Each room has it’s own unique design and is decorated with antiques which lend to the genuine mansion experience.
The mansion has been beautifully restored to its original floor plan. The spacious third floor ballroom gives access to the top of the turret with great views of Downtown Denver and the surrounding Potter Highland neighborhood. The ballroom originally hosted teas, dances and social functions for the elite of Denver during the 1890s continued through the early 1900s.” – Photo and description courtesy of the Lumber Baron Inn
Please note, the tour includes multiple sets of stairs as the Inn does not have an elevator. There is free street parking in the surrounding neighborhood, and as always, we encourage the use of public transportation, Lyft or Uber. Thank you.
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