Denver Landmark

First Church of Christ, Scientist
First Church of Christ, Scientist The First Church of Christ, Scientist, is an elegant classical...

Fitzroy Place / Iliff Mansion
Fitzroy Place / Iliff Mansion The Iliff Mansion, like so many 19th century mansions in Denver, w...

Governor’s Residence at the Boettcher Mansion
Governor's Residence at the Boettcher Mansion Walter Scott Cheesman, along with the firm of Mare...

Highlands United Methodist Church
Highlands United Methodist Church, a simplified Gothic Revival building at 32nd and Osceola, has ser...

Historic Sugar Building
Historic Sugar Building Shaped like a cube and facing the 16th Street Mall south of the Wazee in...

Lumber Baron Inn & Gardens
Lumber Baron Inn & Gardens In 1890, John Mouat built this Queen Anne style mansion for his w...

Montclair Civic Building
The Molkery, also spelled “Molkerie,” is German for Milk House, and was constructed ci...

North Highland Presbyterian Church
North Highland Presbyterian Church This red brick mid-century design stands out vividly from the...